ps: Republished from
Let's say you want to save the input of your form on the state of vuex.
Maybe someone new to vuex would try something like this:
<input id="name" name="name" type="text" v-model="$">
If you try this you will see that:
- It doesn't work
- Even if it worked, it is totally against the purpose of vuex, that is never have a change of state without it being made by a mutation.
Always send a mutation to change something.
Now, with that in mind, if you look into the documentation of vuex you will find the following:
[...] An alternative approach is using a two-way computed property with a setter:
<input v-model="message">
// ...
computed: {
message: {
get () {
return this.$store.state.obj.message
set (value) {
this.$store.commit('updateMessage', value)
You can use the v-model to change, but you will need to register a computed property with a getter and a setter to change the state.
Works? Works.
But let's say you have a form, you will need to make a getter and a setter to every input. This works, but isn't practical.
The best way to do it, in my opinion, is to use the principles of clean code to make it:
export function mapFields(options) {
const object = {};
for (let x = 0; x < options.fields.length; x++) {
const field = [options.fields[x]];
object[field] = {
get() {
return this.$store.state[options.base][field];
set(value) {
this.$store.commit(options.mutation, { [field]: value });
return object;
Where mapField is the function that map all the field and handle the form. Options is an object with a field which is the field you want to map and a base to refer.
At the end it will only return the getter and setter to us, not so different from before, but with a lot less code.
EDIT: I forgot to show how to use it, so here it is.
I would put it on some helper.js, so i can just import it from my userForm.vue, like this:
import { mapFields } from "@/helpers.js"
export default {
computed: {
fields: ["name", "email", "street", "zipcode"],
base: "user",
mutation: "UPDATE_USER"
Hope you enjoyed my first post here, any questions comment bellow! ๐
#Happy new year